A simple still life. I had turned my kitchen into a studio one weekend. I had a lot of fun playing with what I had on hand. You do not have to search far to find great subjects.
Photography subjects are not hard to find. It takes a little imagination and a willingness to look at things a little differently. It is true, that if you live in the Midwest and your favorite subject is mountains, then it might be harder to find your subjects. I suggest you reconsider your goals.
Some of my favorite work has been subjects I find in my house or yard. After that, I will stretch it out a bit, such as, to our local zoo and aquarium. Then I looked at what I have shot in less than 100 miles from my home. I can safely say that over 58% of my work is shot in locations less than 2 hours from my home.
Of course, when I do have the opportunity to travel, my gear goes with me. Prior to the pandemic, I had three incredible opportunities for experiences only dreamed of. But those experiences do not reflect the bulk of my work – a lot of it, but not the most.
My husband and I travel a great deal by car. And, our goal is to not stick to the interstates. I am realistic. We do travel on the interstates, but when it is feasible, we jump off and travel state and local highways. In fact, recently, we did 130 miles on gravel and dirt roads and I loved every minute of it. We see things that most people will never see.
If you go to Yellowstone, for example, visit and take pictures of Old Faithful. But, then along your journey through the park, watch for wildlife – I have stunning images of bison and elk. Then look for subtle things – like seedling trees sprouting up in burn scars.
But, most importantly, look around your house and yards. Don’t look at your pantry as only food…look at it as photo subjects. Think… what can I create and shoot with a tomato, or dried pasta, or peanut butter, or…..Let your imagination go.
Look at things a little differently.